As I sit here in my kitchen, stoking the fire after choring my horses, I find myself looking out my window at the beautiful, wintry Wisconsin weather. I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities I have had with my horses. Immediately one very special person comes to mind with whom I have shared so much. I am the current president of the GallUP! Getaway Club at Unbridled Faith Farm in south central Wisconsin. Last year at Unbridled Faith we tried something new. We wanted to bring a trainer to the facility to offer lessons to anyone in the area who wanted to participate. Elaine Averill, the owner and founder of Unbridled Faith Farm, who has worked extensively with this very special person, of course, thought of asking her. In spite of knowing that she has a very busy schedule with many horses to train and many students to assist, we asked Patty Johnson of the Iron Horse Ranch in Portage, WI. Patty expressed an eagerness to come and help us enjoy our horses more at Unbridled Faith Farm, and immediately we began making wonderful memories.

We kicked off the year with one day with Patty, with lesson slots throughout the day. Immediately I knew that Patty Johnson is one extremely gifted person, not only with horses, but with each horse’s person! I was, and continue to be in awe of this “diamond” we have in WI, and she must be our best kept secret!
Patty Johnson has a wonderful gift with any horse she comes in contact with. It is as if she has an unseen connection with horses and that they allow her to look into their eyes to see their most guarded secrets and confusion. It is effortless in Patty’s training of each horse to put the horse first. Also to give the horse the benefit of the doubt if they don’t seem to understand what she is asking. Patty is absolutely a master at breaking down the steps she is trying to convey to the horse and rider in completely understandable increments. And she complements this quality with having amazing patience to wait for the success that is to come. I have found myself watching on the periphery with my mouth open in awe of how she connects with each horse. She believes in each horse and rider, and the encouragement she offers is priceless in timing and delivery.

In addition to the horse, and I must use this word again, she is truly gifted in reading and assisting each horse’s person. Patty has a genuine knack for creating a comfortable, safe learning environment for the most beginner of riders to those who are World Show Qualifiers. And this with all these different abilities of riders in the same arena. She can be assisting a beginning rider with balance or being able to direct their mount more efficiently, and turn to another rider and assist them with leads or engaging the hindquarter more. All this with ease, a smile on her face, and great finesse. And she creates an atmosphere where everybody has a great time and feels good about their horse and their ride. Patty Johnson became such a popular addition to our year at Unbridled Faith Farm that we had to increase the lesson hours offered! What a great time we all had with our horses!

In addition to the above, Patty is a master at working with young or troubled horses. She has the same wonderful capability to bring along a young horse as she has to redirect a troubled horse. I have seen multiple horses that Patty has essentially “given back” to their owners after she has helped the horse find their way back from some troubling confusion or fear. This finesse and expertise with people and their horses that Patty has and shares with all of us has taken us to a new level of enjoyment, confidence, and trust with our horses. She is genuinely thrilled for each of our successes to find a better way to communicate and enjoy our horses. And when I needed some assistance with one of my personal mounts who had some issues I did not hesitate at all where I would take him for help. Currently he is with Patty and has a wonderful career of performance ahead of him because of Patty’s belief in him and her patience with him to overcome his fear. I have the utmost gratitude for Patty that she gave me back my gelding and now he is content. Now that is priceless!

Peggy Helland 

Specializing in Making You and Your Horse a Team